1. Paranoid
schizophrenia: The people suffer from hallucinations and delusions. They usually feel
that someone or
something is out to get them.
Treatment is important because without treatment them or someone else
may be in danger.
2. Catatonic
schizophrenia: The person is
isolated, negative and very withdrawn.
They are known to hold odd postures for a very long time.
3. Schizo
affective disorder: Accompanied by
a mood disorder. Mixed mania,
depression or even bipolar.
4. Disorganized
schizophrenia: The people suffer
from emotional responses, and their activities seem pointless. They are
verbally incoherent and do things that are unproductive.
5. Residual schizophrenia: The person is not suffering from any of the schizophrenia symptoms. They
do not have motivation or interest
in day-to-day activities.
Undifferentiated schizophrenia:
Do not fit in any of the sub categories. A person may show signs of more than one of them without
falling into a particular category.